Nasheeds in various languages including Arabic, English and Urdu Naats. These Islamic songs are free to listen online using a revolutionary streaming MP3 player.
Arabic Nasheeds
( 7 Articles )
Free Islamic Nasheeds in Arabic. Arabic is one of the most spoken languages in the world with over two hundred million speakers. It is spoken in twenty four countries and is the official language of all the countries of northern Africa, the Arabian peninsula and in much of the Middle East. It is the religious language of Islam and is also the second language of millions of Muslims around the world.
English Nasheeds
( 12 Articles )
English Islamic Songs by artists from the UK, US & Australia. Also known as Nasyid in Malaysia and Indonesia; ilahi in Turkish; Naat in Pakistan, is Islamic vocal music. True Islamic anasheed does not contain any musical instruments. The material and lyrics of Islamic songs usually make reference to Islamic beliefs, history, and religion, as well as current issues.
Urdu Nasheeds or Nazams
( 12 Articles )
Islamically oriented vocal Urdu nasheeds or Islamic Songs also commonly known as Urdu Naats or Urdu Nazams. The Urdu language developed under Persian, Turkish, and Arabic influence in South Asia during the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire (1200-1800). Many Urdu Nazams or Urdu Ghazals can be listened to online at Islamise for free using a streaming MP3 player, which means you only download what you need. The Islamic songs below do not contain any musical instruments as Islam has made it very clear that Music is Haram and should be avoided at all times. Please listen to these Urdu Nasheed and leave a comment in the respective pages if you like these artists who are trying to portray their love for Islam through Urdu Ghazals.
Bengali or Bangla Nasheeds
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Bengali or Bangla traditional Islamic Songs. Bengali or Bangla is an eastern Indo-Aryan language. It is native to the region of eastern South Asia known as Bengal, which comprises present day Bangladesh, the Indian state of West Bengal and parts of the Indian states of Tripura and Assam. With nearly three hundred million speakers, Bengali is one of the most spoken languages, ranking sixth in the world.
Nasheed Lyrics
( 47 Articles )
Nasheed Lyrics of some of the most popular Islamic songs. Some of these songs contain musical instruments, but the lyrics can be very beneficial as some of the words are very deep. The lyrics are written versions of some of the most popular Islamic songs generally made and marketed to the Muslims residing in the West.
Nasheed MP3 Downloads
( 1 Article )
MP3 downloads of the most popular Islamic songs at Islamise, that are not limited by copyright issues. Some of the most popular artists such as Ahmed Bukhatir, Abu Ali, Ibrahim jibreen, Mishary Al Arada, Saad Al Ghmadhi and others. Coming soon.
Importance of Time in Islam
There is a popular saying "Time is Gold." Time in Islam is more than Gold or any precious material thing in this world. From all the religions, only Islam guides mankind not only to the importance of time but also how to value it. Allah the Almighty and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), very clearly tell us the value of time, why we must not waste it and how we can make use of our time wisely to increase our Eeman (Faith) and thus attain success, especially eternal success in the life hereafter.
Both the Quran and the Sunnah enjoin Muslims to be conscious of time. We are reminded that life in this world is nothing but temporary. We never know when death has been appointed for us. We must value time for the satisfaction of Allah the Almighty. For our guidance and success, we must never waste time nor abuse it.
We at Islamise hope that you enjoy listening to the Nasheeds available on this site, but please remember that your time could be sent better in preparing for the hereafter.
Another way your time could be spent wisely is by reading some Islamic Articles or Quran Recitations both available at Islamise. You can also listen to some extremely beneficial Islamic lectures.