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Shaykh Zahir Mahmood - The Sword of Allah: Khalid Ibn Waleed PDF Print E-mail
Image Free Videos - Islamic Audio Lecture Videos
Friday, 12 November 2010 01:21

Shaykh Zahir Mahmood - The Sword of Allah: Khalid Ibn Waleed Islamic Audio Lecture/Speech/Bayan

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About Shaykh Zahir Mahmood

Shaykh Zahir Mahmood was born in England and has gained licences to teach (Ijaazas) in many Islamic Sciences including Quran, Jurisprudence (Fiqh) and Traditions (Hadith) of The Prophet (Peace be upon him) from various Shuyukh. Click here to learn more about Sheikh Zahir.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 December 2013 13:56
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0 #1 faisal2 2013-12-24 05:57
I love islam